Power Of Positive Self-Talk

Girish Miglani
2 min readJul 24, 2021

How we talk to ourselves influences our subconscious mind. It means that if you tend to speak negatively with yourself, your focus will remain on negative things in all facets of life. Hence, you might never see the positive aspects that are often ​greater than the negative ones.

As a result, you will fall into the trap of distress and anxiety.

A dark space where there is no hope, no sense of rationality, not even a desire to look at the brighter side of life.

But then, none of us wants to go there. We want to live a happy and successful life.

So, how can we avoid the trap of negativity and keep an optimistic outlook?

The answer is: by talking positively to ourselves.

My most favorite quote in life is: “Self-respect increases when one learns to converse positively to the self.”

It’s true. When we start looking at life with rationality, we start respecting ourselves more.

Here are some clues to change one’s viewpoint:

Watch your thoughts: Being aware and taking a pause when negative thoughts occur to our minds. Then putting effort into looking at the other side of the situation is the most critical point. This is the beginning of the brighter phase of mindset.

Keep your sense of humor alive: Laughing takes away the weight of negative thoughts and doubts. So find fun in small things and laugh and make others laugh too. This will make you happy and more likable in your surroundings. And give a boost to your morale.

Surround yourself with positive people: American entrepreneur Jim Rohn said, “You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With.”

Spending time with positive people will keep your optimism alive. And you will always see the best version of yourself.

Keep affirming your beliefs: Remind yourself of your abilities. Post your aspirations at places that you see every day.

Stick positive notes at your desk, your computer screen, the entrance of your room, anything.

You will never look back because now you know “I can” or “I will find a way or make one.



Girish Miglani

Writer. Communication and Generative AI Enthusiast.